Wednesday, July 10, 2013

This is what you need to know about me 
name: Autumn Ferdig
stage name: Artimes 
age: 14
b-day: Oct. 19
hobbies: art, writing, thinking 
fav. colors: black, green, silver. gold 
fav. t.v. shows: criminal minds and BBC's sherlock
fav. movies: anyone that can make me laugh with a plot
fav. books: inheritance cycle (eragon), hunger games, the adventurers of Sherlock Holmes, harry potter
fav. animal: wolves 
fav. mythical creature: phoenix 
Fav. Bands: Greenday, Coldplay, OneRepublic, Paramore, Imagine Dragons
Fav. Songs: 
Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
Ready Aim Fire by Imagine Dragons  
Conspiracy by Paramore 

here is a cartoon of me my eyes are brown/green hazel      

Monday, July 8, 2013


   Hey guys I am going to post a bit about my self but first I am going to put a picture
   Full name: Kena Stark
   Favorite book :Twilight
   Favorite movie: The Princess Bride
   Favorite singer: Carrie Underwood
   Favorite song: Like Whoa By: Aly and Aj
   Favorite color: Purple
   Favorite band: Little Mix

Well, here's to the beginning. Finally found a band name that ISN'T taken. We are Artemis (Real name is Autumn), Izzy, Kena, and Megan. We are starting small, with posting covers on YouTube and getting our name out there with open mic nights. You can check us out on YouTube at officialhererightnow. We still don't have a drummer, but we're working on it (CROSSING OUR FINGERS!!).


We decided to do "About Me" posts on the blog to start it off. Looks like I'm first!  ^.^

That's me!! ^^
(I don't usually wear skirts but her it was Sunday :P)

Full Name: Megan Lynn Quinney
Birthday: December 22
Favorite Movie: Les Miserables
Favorite Book: Hunger Games (I LOVE war stories), Fablehaven, Beyonders, Harry Potter
Favorite color: Black, with neon purple as a close second XP
Favorite Bands: Well... there are like a billion, but I will give my top five (not in order, though. Can't really order them.. :D).
Paramore, Black Veil Brides, Linkin Park, Three Days Grace and Evanescence
Favorite Songs: I'll just give several, still not in any specific order.
In The End, Fallen Angels, and Knives and Pens by BVB, Monster and Playing God by Paramore, One Step Closer, Numb and Leave Out All the Rest by Linkin Park....... It goes on and on. (and on.. and on...)
Favorite Album: Hard choice.. but probably We Stitch These Wounds and Wretched and Divine the Story of the Wild Ones, both by BVB.
Favorite Quote:
Ashley Purdy of Black Veil Brides

My Role Model: Hayley Williams of Paramore and Andy Biersack of Black Veil Brides
Favorite animal: Seagulls! They fly out of Andy's underarms! XD No but really, probably white tigers. Cliche, but awesome! XO
Hobbies: Singing, Playing guitar, listening to music (ALLLLLL the way up), eating paper (BVB army, you will get the joke, the rest of you, join the BVB army), playing Legend of Zelda, writing music, hanging out with friends....
Fun Fact: I love classic rock. My favorite "Oldie" is Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen (My bandmates don't like it much though.. but someday I'll convince them. Then we will do a cover.. XD). I also love 99 Red Balloons by Nena. I also love musical theater. I have done three shows and I love it!

My personal accounts:
YouTube: TheEpictacogurl
Minecraft IGN's: epictacogurl
Instagram: xxmusicismylifexx
Tumblr: epictacogurl
kik: epictacogurl